Our Co-Founder Santiago Villegas reflects on the genesis of 1903 Public Relations, the achievements he’s had in the last year and what inspires him.
- What’s your proudest moment with 1903?
My proudest moment would have to be the moment we decided to take the jump and actually start the company. I think many people say creating a company is something they want, but seldom actually do. That for me was the moment that we decided to take action.
In terms of my personal accomplishments while at 1903 PR, I would have to say landing the digital cover of Forbes. It showed that our strategy, and work over the span of a year was well thought out and accomplished what we had set out to do, deliver world-class PR to our client. Not many agencies are able to achieve this, but it’s through the innovative work that we do at 1903 PR, we can say we have.
- If you could pick up any new skill, what would it be?
Since the pandemic started and stay-at-home orders were implemented, I think everyone has been trying to find new things to do to keep themselves busy. For a long time I’ve always wanted to learn to play the guitar, and have started on the journey of learning how to do so. The long winded answer of being able to proficiently play.
- What app do you find yourself checking all the time?
My email app— I’m work oriented and it’s hard to shut off that part of my mind.
- Where do you get your inspiration?
In part, my father. I come from a family of field workers and they have always been hard-working individuals. My dedication to strive for hard things come from my family. They inspire me everyday. Everything they were able to do not only for myself and my siblings showed me that I can achieve the impossible.
- What makes PR such an impactful industry?
The PR industry can shape the narrative behind your company. Your organization has two options: either you strategically control what is out there or someone else will. Public relations is an imperative part of any company and can be the thing that helps the company reach new heights or ultimately can lead to its downfall. Understanding how PR can play such a crucial part in any company and that is why I know PR is impactful.
Inside the Agency is an ongoing series that highlights our team members.